Well; it is the time within the Research that I propose the all important question; The question that I will be trying to answer during the course of this Dissertation project.
So here it is; the following is the Question I will be trying to answer during the project:-
"Are there capitalist Themes within the Sonic The Hedgehog Series?"
Now there have been so many titles within the Sonic series ranging from the original 2d Side scrolling games to Spin Off titles such as Sonic and the Black Knight and Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games; so to cover the original titles is probably the best thing to do while trying to answer this question.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Stardust Speedway 031 - Reading List (The Cultural Politics of Pokemon Capitaism by Anne Allison)
Now I am not sure about this one at this point of the project as It has nothing to do with Sonic The Hedgehog; but the one thing that I do like about this essay is that it sees capitalism within the whole Pokemon Franchise and sees how it started and became the phenomenon that is has become.
Now the plan for this is that I am going to read it a few times once again and see if it could be used; but I am going to put it in for now in the reading list.
The Link for the essay is at the following URL:
Now the plan for this is that I am going to read it a few times once again and see if it could be used; but I am going to put it in for now in the reading list.
The Link for the essay is at the following URL:
Stardust Speedway 030 - Delicious Bookmarks for Project
To keep an ongoing set of links ready for my Bibliography; I have put all the internet links that I have currently used for the project within a Delicious Bookmarks account so that people can look at them for themselves and see what they think of my chosen resources.
The page is at the following URL:-
Not only can I access them from my Google Phone using the Beelicious Application; but also through the plug-in for Mozilla Firefox as well, all of which I highly recommend as they can bookmark and allow access from anywhere you go which as a Student is very good.
The page is at the following URL:-
Not only can I access them from my Google Phone using the Beelicious Application; but also through the plug-in for Mozilla Firefox as well, all of which I highly recommend as they can bookmark and allow access from anywhere you go which as a Student is very good.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Stardust Speedway 029 - Owning The Stardust Speedway - Disscussion Flowchart (Version 0.0)

Well; this was originally going to be an actual flowchart created using my flow chart software (Dia; great piece of open source software) this afternoon; but the software would not open for me for some unknown reason so I didn't actually materialise.
But to show the progress of this Flowchart to accompany my Spider Diagram in the previous blog post; I have posted the original sketching from my Oxford Reporters Pad being held up using a beer bottle with a treasure map in it (Alcopopular: Version 3; highly reccomended purchase).
So I hope you like it and watch it progress into a better diagram in the days to come.
Stardust Speedway 028 - Owning The Stardust Speeway : Project Spider Diagram (Version 1.1)
Well; since my first wave of research is near enough finished and both my notebooks have been wrote and re-wrote (Spilled Coke on the First Lot), I have now started the project Spider Diagram which will help me identify what areas of my research will link up with each other and the relationships that each piece of information would share.
I have created this diagram using a great piece of Mindmap software called ConceptDraw MINDMAP Pro 5 to create this diagram and at the moment has all of the current Sonic Infomation that I have is in the Diagram on the right hand side and I am going to put the Capitalism Research that I have found in the next version of the diagram.
So I am going to keep on top of the diagram as it will help the research and help me connect the topics which I would need to cover during the writing of the final product.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Stardust Speedway 027 - Post Mortum Report (Sonic The Hedgehog CD)
Platform: Playstation 2 (As part of Sonic Gems Collection)
Completion Time: 2 Hours 38 Minutes
Total Score from Playthrough: 340,620
Time Stones Gained: Three
Initial Thoughts Of Sonic The Hedgehog CD
This was one title that has always alluded me because to get hold of a working Mega CD Unit which was the right model for your Mega Drive console and also a working copy of the Game which at the current time are going for over £50 for a good model. So I had to find the next best thing (without downloading anything illegal like ROM files) which was buying the Sonic Gems Collection of which Sonic CD is part off, although its the PC Port of the European version which in the Sonic Community is not the best version of the game.
But I knew nothing about the title when originally playing it, I didn't know what sort of Sonic game to expect, but as it was voted the best Sonic game ever made by Screwattack.com, it must be good.
Interesting Points Discovered
1. Sonic The Hedgehog Remixed - There are six levels within this game which doesn't sound a lot compared to Sonic 2 which has nine all together but as there are four different versions of each level, the final total of levels within this single game is 24 which makes it the largest game within the Sonic Series.
The unique mechanic with this title is that Sonic has travelled to Little Planet deep within the forests of Mobius and goes into the planet to Stop Robotnik steeling the planets most precious resource; The time stones which have the power to change the course of history and ultimately stretch Robotnik's power to where Sonic cannot reach; the Future.
So Sonic has to guide himself through this unknown world, which when looked at a little bit closer are each combinations of two levels from both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 to create this new level. This is rather a unique way to create the new levels for this game and is almost like a tribute to these two games as it was released before Sonic The Hedgehog 3.
One example of this finding can be found with the Tidal Tempest level which when looked closely with other levels in the first 2 Sonic games, it can be seen that its a combination of the LABYRINTH Zone and MARBLE Zone from Sonic 1 or HILL TOP and AQUATIC RUIN Zone from Sonic 2.
2. Family Ties - This is the first game that will feature two characters that will stick around with Sonic deep into the series and beyond into new titles, these characters are Metal Sonic and Amy Rose. Now this game does not feature Tails so might suggest that it is set before Sonic 2, so Amy Rose can be considered to be Sonic's first companion within the series. He finds her at the beginning of the second level in the game; Collision Chaos and love hearts are hovering above her head to say that she fancies him and follows him around this section of level much like Tails does within Sonic 2.
But before the level can continue, she is taken by Robotnik's latest creation Metal Sonic who is identical to Sonic in every way, but a mechanical version of him which also provides his greatest challenge yet and one that he cannot afford to give up on. But also within the Sonic The Hedgehog Film (Please See Blog For Details) He has a mental bond with Sonic and he is considered his twin brother by Robotnik as he is like him in every way.
So even though he has brought himself up and doesn't have any parents; he starts to build up his family of similar characters which will be carried over to other titles in the series; so this is a crucial point within the Sonic Universe.
3. No Rings....No Service - This was a very strange thing to find within a Sonic game and could be considered to be an Easter Egg within the game itself, but a very interesting one indeed. At any part of the game, even during the final boss battle which is very interesting indeed as you think Sonic would keep on playing during that part. But if the player keeps Sonic perfectly still for approximately 3 Minutes during the gameplay, Sonic will tell the player "I'm out of here" and then he jumps off the screen into the abyss, taking all his lives with him and the Game Over screen appears out of nowhere and takes the game back into the Start Screen.
Now this element of the game is very strange as Sonic is always been portrayed as the White Knight of Mobius compared to Robotnik as the Dark Knight, always being there to stop his plans and protect his friends and new found family from danger. But this is the first time that he cannot be bothered with his work, even though he knows that this is Robotnik's most dangerous scheme yet, so if the player does not continue to help Sonic get to the end of the level racking up points and collecting rings along the way; he will just go away and do something else. So has this always been his mindset during the course of the games, is he just in it for the money???
4. 88 Miles Per Hour- As discussed before, the main mechanic of this game is that Sonic can time travel back in that particular levels time frame and Sonic can change back what Robotnik has left in the past e.g Badniks Portal and Metal Sonic Projector. The only way that he can go back in time is hit these lampposts which say Past and Future and run at Sonic's trademark speed* to hit the time warp and jumping back into that time zone.
(*Maybe that is the reason why Robotnik created Metal Sonic, a product that can recreate Sonic's level of Speed and jump back and forth in time)
This is a great mechanic to have in a Sonic game and does effect the player and urges them to get the good ending of the title, for one reason. If the player goes into the past of the level, they can see what it once was usually very green and natural. While if the future if unchanged by Sonic, the world has turned into a dark and damp world that is overrun with Badniks and all sources of Currency have been taken for Robotnik's personal gain. Also the music goes from its normal jingle type rhythm to a dark and sinister theme, to symbolise the evil that has spread over the land.
This could urge the player to get the good ending of the game once again as even if he defeats Robotnik at the end of the game; it will not go back to normal; the timelines will not return to normal and Robotnik's evil will still remain making it one hell of a challenge compared to previous Sonic Games.
Concluding Thoughts
I rearly enjoyed this title, you can tell that a lot of time and care has been put into this game by Sonic Team to make this game the most challenging yet, but it is also the most revealing as it details a lot of Sonic's personality and sets a large chunk of his future story lines in the form of Metal Sonic and Amy Rose.
There might not be a lot here in the themes of Capitalism (rings collection, Time Stone Collection) but it is an important title when looking at the character of Sonic and what is true intentions are within his world.
Completion Time: 2 Hours 38 Minutes
Total Score from Playthrough: 340,620
Time Stones Gained: Three
Initial Thoughts Of Sonic The Hedgehog CD
This was one title that has always alluded me because to get hold of a working Mega CD Unit which was the right model for your Mega Drive console and also a working copy of the Game which at the current time are going for over £50 for a good model. So I had to find the next best thing (without downloading anything illegal like ROM files) which was buying the Sonic Gems Collection of which Sonic CD is part off, although its the PC Port of the European version which in the Sonic Community is not the best version of the game.
But I knew nothing about the title when originally playing it, I didn't know what sort of Sonic game to expect, but as it was voted the best Sonic game ever made by Screwattack.com, it must be good.
Interesting Points Discovered
1. Sonic The Hedgehog Remixed - There are six levels within this game which doesn't sound a lot compared to Sonic 2 which has nine all together but as there are four different versions of each level, the final total of levels within this single game is 24 which makes it the largest game within the Sonic Series.
The unique mechanic with this title is that Sonic has travelled to Little Planet deep within the forests of Mobius and goes into the planet to Stop Robotnik steeling the planets most precious resource; The time stones which have the power to change the course of history and ultimately stretch Robotnik's power to where Sonic cannot reach; the Future.
So Sonic has to guide himself through this unknown world, which when looked at a little bit closer are each combinations of two levels from both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 to create this new level. This is rather a unique way to create the new levels for this game and is almost like a tribute to these two games as it was released before Sonic The Hedgehog 3.
One example of this finding can be found with the Tidal Tempest level which when looked closely with other levels in the first 2 Sonic games, it can be seen that its a combination of the LABYRINTH Zone and MARBLE Zone from Sonic 1 or HILL TOP and AQUATIC RUIN Zone from Sonic 2.
2. Family Ties - This is the first game that will feature two characters that will stick around with Sonic deep into the series and beyond into new titles, these characters are Metal Sonic and Amy Rose. Now this game does not feature Tails so might suggest that it is set before Sonic 2, so Amy Rose can be considered to be Sonic's first companion within the series. He finds her at the beginning of the second level in the game; Collision Chaos and love hearts are hovering above her head to say that she fancies him and follows him around this section of level much like Tails does within Sonic 2.
But before the level can continue, she is taken by Robotnik's latest creation Metal Sonic who is identical to Sonic in every way, but a mechanical version of him which also provides his greatest challenge yet and one that he cannot afford to give up on. But also within the Sonic The Hedgehog Film (Please See Blog For Details) He has a mental bond with Sonic and he is considered his twin brother by Robotnik as he is like him in every way.
So even though he has brought himself up and doesn't have any parents; he starts to build up his family of similar characters which will be carried over to other titles in the series; so this is a crucial point within the Sonic Universe.
3. No Rings....No Service - This was a very strange thing to find within a Sonic game and could be considered to be an Easter Egg within the game itself, but a very interesting one indeed. At any part of the game, even during the final boss battle which is very interesting indeed as you think Sonic would keep on playing during that part. But if the player keeps Sonic perfectly still for approximately 3 Minutes during the gameplay, Sonic will tell the player "I'm out of here" and then he jumps off the screen into the abyss, taking all his lives with him and the Game Over screen appears out of nowhere and takes the game back into the Start Screen.
Now this element of the game is very strange as Sonic is always been portrayed as the White Knight of Mobius compared to Robotnik as the Dark Knight, always being there to stop his plans and protect his friends and new found family from danger. But this is the first time that he cannot be bothered with his work, even though he knows that this is Robotnik's most dangerous scheme yet, so if the player does not continue to help Sonic get to the end of the level racking up points and collecting rings along the way; he will just go away and do something else. So has this always been his mindset during the course of the games, is he just in it for the money???
4. 88 Miles Per Hour- As discussed before, the main mechanic of this game is that Sonic can time travel back in that particular levels time frame and Sonic can change back what Robotnik has left in the past e.g Badniks Portal and Metal Sonic Projector. The only way that he can go back in time is hit these lampposts which say Past and Future and run at Sonic's trademark speed* to hit the time warp and jumping back into that time zone.
(*Maybe that is the reason why Robotnik created Metal Sonic, a product that can recreate Sonic's level of Speed and jump back and forth in time)
This is a great mechanic to have in a Sonic game and does effect the player and urges them to get the good ending of the title, for one reason. If the player goes into the past of the level, they can see what it once was usually very green and natural. While if the future if unchanged by Sonic, the world has turned into a dark and damp world that is overrun with Badniks and all sources of Currency have been taken for Robotnik's personal gain. Also the music goes from its normal jingle type rhythm to a dark and sinister theme, to symbolise the evil that has spread over the land.
This could urge the player to get the good ending of the game once again as even if he defeats Robotnik at the end of the game; it will not go back to normal; the timelines will not return to normal and Robotnik's evil will still remain making it one hell of a challenge compared to previous Sonic Games.
Concluding Thoughts
I rearly enjoyed this title, you can tell that a lot of time and care has been put into this game by Sonic Team to make this game the most challenging yet, but it is also the most revealing as it details a lot of Sonic's personality and sets a large chunk of his future story lines in the form of Metal Sonic and Amy Rose.
There might not be a lot here in the themes of Capitalism (rings collection, Time Stone Collection) but it is an important title when looking at the character of Sonic and what is true intentions are within his world.
Stardust Speedway 026 - Post Mortum Report (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Platform: Sega Mega Drive (Version 1 Model)
Completion Time: 1 Hour 37 Minutes
Total Score from Playthrough: 220,320
Chaos Emerelds Gained: Seven
Initial Thoughts Of Sonic The Hedgehog 2
I have got to admit this before starting this blog entry; This is one of my favourite games ever, I know this game like the back of my hand and I can complete the game in under 1 hour if played quickly; but for this play through, I played the game slowly enough to take notice of anything which could be useful for the project.
Also, for this game I am playing the title on its original platform, The Sega Mega Drive. I originally wanted to play all of the chosen research titles (Apart from Sonic CD) on their original platforms to get the popper experience that Sega and Sonic Team wanted to achieve during the time of release, but on reflection playing these games on Compilation Disks such as Sonic Gems Collection and Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection so that I can go back to specific levels in any of these games for further examination (Especially Spring Yard Zone for more scoring combinations)
Interesting Points Discovered
1. Möbius 2.0 - As a big Sonic Fan, I do know as the player that the first two titles of the series are set on the Planet of Mobius, but when compared to the levels of the first game, you can see these original levels have been evolved by Sonic Team in this game. This might indicate the passage of time which has passed between the two titles and also how Robotnik redesigned his Zones to try and capture Sonic and stop him in his tracks.
The following is a list of levels which show the evolution of Mobius from the first game to the second:-
SONIC 1 Levels/////////SONIC 2 Levels
Green Hill Zone (Into) Emerald Hill Zone
Scrap Brain Zone (Into) Chemical Plant Zone
Labyrinth Zone (Into) Aquatic Ruin Zone
Spring Yard Zone (Into) Casino Nights Zone
Marble Zone (Into) Hill Top Zone
Marble Zone (Into) Mystic Cave Zone
Scrap Brain Zone (Into) Metropolis Zone
Warps of Confusion (Special Stage) (Into) Sky Chase Zone
Final Zone (Into) Death Egg Zone
(* Oil Ocean and Wing Fortress Zones are like nothing featured in Sonic 1 and are exclusive to this title)
2. The Rainbow is Complete - Within the Wing Fortress Zone's Special Stage (The Hardest One in the Game) lies the fabled 7th Chaos Emerald which makes its first appearance in the series and is the most important emerald of the collection as it negates the evil energy of the remaining Six and makes them into a force of Good instead of evil.
Now within the official storyline, both Dr Kintobor and Sonic were creating the 7th Emereld to negate the evil powers of the six others, but the experiment went wrong releasing the evil energy back into the world and changing Dr Kintobor into Dr Robotnik, making him evil in the process. Now it was said that the 7th did not exist but Robotnik must have found a way to create the Emereld without the use of Sonic to power his machinery and hide it within this special stage on one of the hardest levels in the game.
When Sonic collects this emerald with the other Six, He can completely defeat Robotnik and turn into his alter ego; Super Sonic (Hints of Dragonball Z here me thinks)
3. Return of the Pinball Wizard
This recouring theme started within Spring Yard Zone (In Sonic 1) in which elements of a classic pinball table are scattered within the zone itself and can be used to Sonic's Advantage e.g using a pinball flipper to jump higher in the air than usual. These themes can be found once more within the Casino Nights Zone but is also taken a step further with the Slot Machine elements that can be found. Not only can Sonic gain extra points/rings in these slot machines, but these elements when looking at the entire level map can be seen as a bonus pocket in a Pinball Table which is very interesting in a game such as Sonic and is taken further in Sonic Spinball.
Concluding Thoughts
I have always loved this game and everything about it, especially the ending where you think Robotnik won the war against Sonic with him dying in the atmosphere above Mobius (Sorry for the Spoiler), but when looking at the game even closer and looking at the entire level maps which I didn't know existed until the research taken for this project you can see this game in a very different light.
I only noticed the extended Pinball themes in the Casino Nights Zone in more detail since playing this run-through (Especially when looking at the level maps) that have been brought from Spring Yard and this specific element will be very useful during the project as a Pinball machine is one vary early example of a capitalist device within the entertainment industry as the first recorded Pinball Machine created goes back to 1931.
Completion Time: 1 Hour 37 Minutes
Total Score from Playthrough: 220,320
Chaos Emerelds Gained: Seven
Initial Thoughts Of Sonic The Hedgehog 2
I have got to admit this before starting this blog entry; This is one of my favourite games ever, I know this game like the back of my hand and I can complete the game in under 1 hour if played quickly; but for this play through, I played the game slowly enough to take notice of anything which could be useful for the project.
Also, for this game I am playing the title on its original platform, The Sega Mega Drive. I originally wanted to play all of the chosen research titles (Apart from Sonic CD) on their original platforms to get the popper experience that Sega and Sonic Team wanted to achieve during the time of release, but on reflection playing these games on Compilation Disks such as Sonic Gems Collection and Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection so that I can go back to specific levels in any of these games for further examination (Especially Spring Yard Zone for more scoring combinations)
Interesting Points Discovered
1. Möbius 2.0 - As a big Sonic Fan, I do know as the player that the first two titles of the series are set on the Planet of Mobius, but when compared to the levels of the first game, you can see these original levels have been evolved by Sonic Team in this game. This might indicate the passage of time which has passed between the two titles and also how Robotnik redesigned his Zones to try and capture Sonic and stop him in his tracks.
The following is a list of levels which show the evolution of Mobius from the first game to the second:-
SONIC 1 Levels/////////SONIC 2 Levels
Green Hill Zone (Into) Emerald Hill Zone
Scrap Brain Zone (Into) Chemical Plant Zone
Labyrinth Zone (Into) Aquatic Ruin Zone
Spring Yard Zone (Into) Casino Nights Zone
Marble Zone (Into) Hill Top Zone
Marble Zone (Into) Mystic Cave Zone
Scrap Brain Zone (Into) Metropolis Zone
Warps of Confusion (Special Stage) (Into) Sky Chase Zone
Final Zone (Into) Death Egg Zone
(* Oil Ocean and Wing Fortress Zones are like nothing featured in Sonic 1 and are exclusive to this title)
2. The Rainbow is Complete - Within the Wing Fortress Zone's Special Stage (The Hardest One in the Game) lies the fabled 7th Chaos Emerald which makes its first appearance in the series and is the most important emerald of the collection as it negates the evil energy of the remaining Six and makes them into a force of Good instead of evil.
Now within the official storyline, both Dr Kintobor and Sonic were creating the 7th Emereld to negate the evil powers of the six others, but the experiment went wrong releasing the evil energy back into the world and changing Dr Kintobor into Dr Robotnik, making him evil in the process. Now it was said that the 7th did not exist but Robotnik must have found a way to create the Emereld without the use of Sonic to power his machinery and hide it within this special stage on one of the hardest levels in the game.
When Sonic collects this emerald with the other Six, He can completely defeat Robotnik and turn into his alter ego; Super Sonic (Hints of Dragonball Z here me thinks)
3. Return of the Pinball Wizard
This recouring theme started within Spring Yard Zone (In Sonic 1) in which elements of a classic pinball table are scattered within the zone itself and can be used to Sonic's Advantage e.g using a pinball flipper to jump higher in the air than usual. These themes can be found once more within the Casino Nights Zone but is also taken a step further with the Slot Machine elements that can be found. Not only can Sonic gain extra points/rings in these slot machines, but these elements when looking at the entire level map can be seen as a bonus pocket in a Pinball Table which is very interesting in a game such as Sonic and is taken further in Sonic Spinball.
Concluding Thoughts
I have always loved this game and everything about it, especially the ending where you think Robotnik won the war against Sonic with him dying in the atmosphere above Mobius (Sorry for the Spoiler), but when looking at the game even closer and looking at the entire level maps which I didn't know existed until the research taken for this project you can see this game in a very different light.
I only noticed the extended Pinball themes in the Casino Nights Zone in more detail since playing this run-through (Especially when looking at the level maps) that have been brought from Spring Yard and this specific element will be very useful during the project as a Pinball machine is one vary early example of a capitalist device within the entertainment industry as the first recorded Pinball Machine created goes back to 1931.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Stardust Speedway 025 - Refining My Research
Well after a few months research; I have finally got all of my Sonic research done and dusted. I will update the blog momentarily with all of my game post mortem reports and what findings I have found.
But there have been two changes; I have removed Sonic 3 and Sonic Adventure from the dissertation research list as I feel that both of these games main research topics have been covered in great detail by the games that precessed it so they have been removed so that I am not going over old ground with this.
Also I have made a lot of notes in my Sonic Notebook which I will be able to use so this has been a worth while phase of my research project, now it is on to Capitalism
But there have been two changes; I have removed Sonic 3 and Sonic Adventure from the dissertation research list as I feel that both of these games main research topics have been covered in great detail by the games that precessed it so they have been removed so that I am not going over old ground with this.
Also I have made a lot of notes in my Sonic Notebook which I will be able to use so this has been a worth while phase of my research project, now it is on to Capitalism
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Stardust Speedway 024 - The Two Notebook Technique
I have had a lot of problems sorting out information that I have researched over the course of this project; So I have quoted a dissertation help book and have started to use some of their research techniques to make this Dissertation research go a bit smoothly.
So I am currently using two notebooks for my research topics; one dedicated for Sonic the Hedgehog related topics and the second dedicated for Capitalism research; doing this method I hope will make research and information gathering a bit better.
So I am currently using two notebooks for my research topics; one dedicated for Sonic the Hedgehog related topics and the second dedicated for Capitalism research; doing this method I hope will make research and information gathering a bit better.
Stardust Speedway 023 - Game Post Mortum Report (Sonic Spinball)
Platform: Playstation 3
Completion Time: 2 Hours 47 Minutes
Total Score from Playthrough: 36,500,725
Chaos Emerelds Gained: Seven
Initial Thoughts Of Sonic Spinball
Even though I have played a lot of Sonic titles during my years as a gamer; This was one that eluded me; but is is a good title in its own ways. The basics of the story is that Sonic is trying to defeating Dr Robotnik who has taken over Mt. Möbius and is using its lava to house his new version of the Robotasizor; the machine which turns animals of the forest into his badniks. But he has to battle his way through Robotnik's Pinball defence system to stop his rivals plans.
But this is nothing like any Sonic game been played previously and breaks a lot of the common rules that are normally featured within Sonic Games. So I am expecting a lot of changes to accomidate the pinball theme of this game.
Interesting Points Discovered
1. All about the points - This game is all about point gathering and nothing else; it is a typical pinball game and plays like a very accurate one as well. Points can be gathered from doing the littlest tasks such as gathering rings (12,500 points each)and collecting Chaos Emeralds (500,000 a piece).
2. Bulletproof Gameplay - Sonic is basically indestructable in this game; the only way he can be killed is if he falls beyond the flippers at the bottom of the table or hit some toxic waste/lava depending on which level you are at (Toxic Caves or Lava Powerhouse). Enemies cannot defeat him; he can just automatically jump off them as it is a pinball table and boss characters just move him further down the table and not actually stop him from coming back up.
3. Breaking The DNA - Before this research started; I stated what I thought made up a traditional Sonic Game and called these three points; The Sonic Series DNA. Now one of the points that I stated was collecting items such as Golden Rings and Chaos Emeralds which is still in this game; but instead of protecting Sonic during his battles against Robotnik; they just add to the score at the end of the level which breaks this rule.
4. Robotnik's Secret Stash - One common theme within the Sonic games is that within each level there is a bonus item which can be collected such as the Chaos Emeralds and in Sonic CD The Time Stones; these are spread out over the space of the title and are not usually out together so closely before.
5. The Seven Chaos Emeralds + 11 more in this one
There are three on the first level alone; with an additional three on the next and five on the last; these are suppose to be the stabilisers for Robotnik's complex and keep the site up and running without anything going wrong; but that makes 11 in total and in any other Sonic game there are Seven (Eight including the Master Emerald) but why haven't these emeralds been talked of before and who created them. But also if these emeralds are not counted from the original Seven, then there would be 18 emeralds so where have these come from also?
Concluding Thoughts
This is a very weird title for Sonic to be in as it just feels as Sonic has been plastered on top of this title; but this was created by Sega technical institute and Sonic Team themselves so it has their seal of approval on it as it was created by them. Also this game is all about point scoring which is one element of the other games but there was some sort of challenge in the other Sonic games but I feel there is no challenge in this title; it feels a bit to easy to rack up all these points and beat Robotnik.
It is a good title in my opinion though and a good comparison to other Sonic titles as a flipside/counter argument; but it is not of much of a challenge as Sonic 2 or Sonic CD* is.
(*Especially Stardust Speedway which is one of the hardest zones in any Sonic game I have encountered)
Completion Time: 2 Hours 47 Minutes
Total Score from Playthrough: 36,500,725
Chaos Emerelds Gained: Seven
Initial Thoughts Of Sonic Spinball
Even though I have played a lot of Sonic titles during my years as a gamer; This was one that eluded me; but is is a good title in its own ways. The basics of the story is that Sonic is trying to defeating Dr Robotnik who has taken over Mt. Möbius and is using its lava to house his new version of the Robotasizor; the machine which turns animals of the forest into his badniks. But he has to battle his way through Robotnik's Pinball defence system to stop his rivals plans.
But this is nothing like any Sonic game been played previously and breaks a lot of the common rules that are normally featured within Sonic Games. So I am expecting a lot of changes to accomidate the pinball theme of this game.
Interesting Points Discovered
1. All about the points - This game is all about point gathering and nothing else; it is a typical pinball game and plays like a very accurate one as well. Points can be gathered from doing the littlest tasks such as gathering rings (12,500 points each)and collecting Chaos Emeralds (500,000 a piece).
2. Bulletproof Gameplay - Sonic is basically indestructable in this game; the only way he can be killed is if he falls beyond the flippers at the bottom of the table or hit some toxic waste/lava depending on which level you are at (Toxic Caves or Lava Powerhouse). Enemies cannot defeat him; he can just automatically jump off them as it is a pinball table and boss characters just move him further down the table and not actually stop him from coming back up.
3. Breaking The DNA - Before this research started; I stated what I thought made up a traditional Sonic Game and called these three points; The Sonic Series DNA. Now one of the points that I stated was collecting items such as Golden Rings and Chaos Emeralds which is still in this game; but instead of protecting Sonic during his battles against Robotnik; they just add to the score at the end of the level which breaks this rule.
4. Robotnik's Secret Stash - One common theme within the Sonic games is that within each level there is a bonus item which can be collected such as the Chaos Emeralds and in Sonic CD The Time Stones; these are spread out over the space of the title and are not usually out together so closely before.
5. The Seven Chaos Emeralds + 11 more in this one
There are three on the first level alone; with an additional three on the next and five on the last; these are suppose to be the stabilisers for Robotnik's complex and keep the site up and running without anything going wrong; but that makes 11 in total and in any other Sonic game there are Seven (Eight including the Master Emerald) but why haven't these emeralds been talked of before and who created them. But also if these emeralds are not counted from the original Seven, then there would be 18 emeralds so where have these come from also?
Concluding Thoughts
This is a very weird title for Sonic to be in as it just feels as Sonic has been plastered on top of this title; but this was created by Sega technical institute and Sonic Team themselves so it has their seal of approval on it as it was created by them. Also this game is all about point scoring which is one element of the other games but there was some sort of challenge in the other Sonic games but I feel there is no challenge in this title; it feels a bit to easy to rack up all these points and beat Robotnik.
It is a good title in my opinion though and a good comparison to other Sonic titles as a flipside/counter argument; but it is not of much of a challenge as Sonic 2 or Sonic CD* is.
(*Especially Stardust Speedway which is one of the hardest zones in any Sonic game I have encountered)
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Stardust Speedway 022 - Internet Links (Level Maps for Sonic Games)
During some more research today; I have found a good little webpage that has the level maps for various Sonic Games which can come in handy during the research to highlight specific parts of the levels during my dissertation.
It is one particular part of a huge Sonic Fan Site but is worth highlighting during this part of the research.
The Link is as follows:-
It is one particular part of a huge Sonic Fan Site but is worth highlighting during this part of the research.
The Link is as follows:-
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