Sunday 6 September 2009

Stardust Speedway 024 - The Two Notebook Technique

I have had a lot of problems sorting out information that I have researched over the course of this project; So I have quoted a dissertation help book and have started to use some of their research techniques to make this Dissertation research go a bit smoothly.

So I am currently using two notebooks for my research topics; one dedicated for Sonic the Hedgehog related topics and the second dedicated for Capitalism research; doing this method I hope will make research and information gathering a bit better.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good technique Luke, I did the same on my Under-Grad, it was funny reading back at the end of my research period at the amount of misconceptions i had about the subject and how much i had learned.
    Research is funny because it is hard to measure what you have learned through the duration of your project.
    If I were you i would take a page at the front of your book on capitalism and without looking at a book, write everything you know about capitalism on it... what is it, how does it work, who does it effect, what sort of system is it etc. etc. etc.
    A big a1 sheet pinned to your wall (landscape) with sonic written on one end and capitalism on the other then you can write everything that links the two in the middle as notes (some might be chains e.g. sonic-collecting-gold/emeralds-capitalsim as a realy simple example)
