Sunday, 10 January 2010

Stardust Speedway 050 - 5,800 words and counting

Well; this week has been a good start to the new year and the dissertation is going very well. I am currently on Chapter Three of my Dissertation which is talking about Individualism within Video Games and the game I have chose for this section to focus on is No More Heroes for the Wii.

Now the essay plan did not go as well as I hoped; I originally wanted to aim for the 6,000 word end of the word count as I wanted to have space to change and add any additional text if I wanted to, but it has ended up going over that very easily. Also within each section; I have only had enough words to cover one game which is slightly dissapointing, but it will focus on these titles within more depth.

The final three games I have chose to focus on within this project are of course Sonic The Hedgehog; We Love Katamari and No More Heroes; all titles also have a small ammount of research to go with them.

It should be finished by tonight which gives me a day to prepare my bibliography and final readthrough; so I will report back tomorrow with an update of how its going.


  1. It would be nice to have a capsule summary of your main argument, beyond the rings/emeralds bit. I ask this because I've developed a similar idea and would like to see how ours differ (and to make sure I don't inadvertantly copy you). My guess is we will cover sufficiently different ground.

  2. Hey Jack Porter

    Thanks for the reply and input to my Idea. Well the main points of my argument of this section of my paper is that Sonic and the player share a Capitalist relationship with each other as the Player Controls Sonic and guides him through the levels gaining more rings and points which all contribute to the players final score.

    The end benefits of this would end up with Sonic Stopping Dr Robotnik again and the player getting a high score which can be flaunted to other Sonic players and put onto websites such as

    There is also a lot of Capitalist Imagery such as the Pinball Flippers in levels like Spring Yard and Casino Nights; The large ammount of Oil in Oil Ocean and the Las Vegas/Slot Machine theme of Casino Nights as well.

    I hope this answers your question
