Thursday, 21 May 2009

Stardust Speedway 005 - A Late Entry and Personal Reviews

I have decided to include the original Sonic The Hedgehog title within my game research; as when replaying the title. Some of the elements that I am trying to uncover are more visable within this game and also it was the first title; so I would have to look at it and then I could compare it to the other two titles that I am looking at which are Sonic CD and Sonic The Hedgehog 2.

Also I have started to replay all of these titles; and when I have played each title a few times each; I am going to write up a small post mortum report to discuss what elements I have found within each title.

(I can breath now I have got that miniture rant out of my system) :)


  1. I think that this is an important inclusion and i was a little surprised that it wasn't included at the beginning. Are you just going to look at Mega Drive titles? I guess the ideology is the same across platforms...

  2. I didn't know why I didn't include this title; it is so obvious when I think about it as this is where the entire series starts; so if there is any references to capitalism within the series itself; than this title would have been top of the list.

    I am thinking about including some of the more newer titles in the series Like Sonic Adventure and other titles; but none of the new ones like Sonic and the Sacred Rings as I think that these games are too much of a jump from the original series and I hated them when I played them again.
