Monday 29 June 2009

Stardust Speedway 012 - And Were Finally Off To A Start

Well; Tomorrow will mark the beginning of my first wave of research for this project; what I intended to do at the beginning of the project was do some light research and get some initial research materials together that could be used for the project.

Now I feel; I have got enough to start with; I am going to start the research properly and am going to keep the research well planned to ensure that I cover everything I need to cover.

So; I have planned and broken down my initial research items into different weeks so they all get enough coverage that they will need. So the following is what I am going to do for WEEK ONE of this initial research.

GAME OF THE WEEK : Sonic The Hedgehog (SEGA, 1991)

BOOK OF THE WEEK : Capitalism - A Very Short Introduction (James Fulture)

FILM OF THE WEEK : Sonic The Hedgehog - The Film (1999)

I am going to do a post mortum report of each title and note what inportant elements could be used within my reportand most importantly what I thought of the titles and their importance within the project.

So this is it; I hope you will enjoy the ride now it is underway and lets make this project a good one and worth all the input that is going to be put into it

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