Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Stardust Speedway 013 - Spring Yard is only for show

Now; during my research of Sonic 1, I did come over a few problems. I thought that I could research this game in a few days and get a good grounding on the best elements and relevent levels of this title.

But it is taking longer than I thought; So this might take a while longer than planned; but is worth it in the long run. What I have found out so far is that this particular Sonic title has the relevent levels and also the filler levels which just join up these relevent levels with each other and I am affraid that my favourite level in this game (Spring Yard Zone) is one of these filler levels.

I have come to this conclusion because a lot more relevent infomation and events happen within these levels while the others are just there for ring gathering and score gaining. Also some of the more deadlier opponents in the game appear in the levels I have highlighted as relevent.

But I hope to bring you a full report tomorrow when I have worte up my notes for the title and have a think about what points I can bring forward from the gameplay session.

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